
Recipe 2

Sweet and Citrus Salmon

Time 25 Mins Servings 2

  • 2 Salmon Fillets
  • One Half Red Onion...Sliced
  • 2 Garlic Cloves...Chopped
  • A Quarter Cup of Olive Oil
  • A Quarter Cup of Agave Nectar...Organic Preferred
  • Juice from one lime
  • Pinch of Cinnamon
  • Sea Salt and Pepper
  1.  Preheat oven to 350F.
  2. Season Salmon with salt and pepper.
  3. Place each fillet on a piece of foil.
  4. Mix onion and chopped garlic.
  5. In a cup combine the Olive Oil, lime juice, agave and cinnamon to make a sauce.
  6. Pour Sauce over the Salmon and top with the onions and garlic.
  7. Totally encase the Salmon in the foil and fold edges to make a foil-pocket.
  8. Place into the heated oven and bake for 20 mins (depending on size of fillets).

**Ensure the Salmon does not dry.


SAT FAT...4g

Assumption of Risk

Exercise Program/Information and Nutritional Advice may not be suitable for everyone.
The information contained within is provided solely for educational and informational purposes. It is NOT intended as medical advice.

If you answer YES to 2 or more of the following we advise that you consult your Health Care Provider before starting any program.
Are you a man 45+, a woman 55+, pregnant, a smoker,have hypertension, symptoms/medication for heart disease, diabetes,suffer chest discomfort, fainting or dizziness with exertion or any other medical concerns you feel may affect your health or the safety of exercise.

Nothing within is designed to treat, heal, cure or diagnose any illness, condition or health issue.

If necessary always consult your Health Care Adviser before beginning any Nutrition or Exercise Program.

Each Plan/Program is to be used solely at the discretion of the paid individual/member.