
THE 30'S

defy the ages

This is, perhaps, the busiest decade for most...Career, Kids, Partners, Moving, Weddings etc. I call this the "Decade Of Diversity" while your mind is clear and travelling along the road of self-discovery the body begins to have a mind of its own especially around the mid-section. While we have more money in the bank we have less time to exercise.

Caryn Lescher describes it well..."Thirty-Five is when you get your head together and your body starts to fall apart".

METABOLISM........Starts to slow in this decade making weight-loss more difficult. Find ways to move more, 30-60 minutes of daily exercise, 3-4 times weekly. If time is limited then break it down into manageable segments.

MUSCLE LOSS........As much as 0.5 lb per annum which also means a decline in strength.

HORMONES........Pre and Post-Natal experiences impose tremendous implications for the mind, body and lifestyle. By their mid 30's some women may enter perimenopause with its symptoms of anxiety, mood-swings, hot flashes and sleep deprivation.
Men are not immune. Testosterone levels begin to decline by as much as 2%.

BONE DENSITY........This decade starts to see a loss of 1-2% per year.

WOMEN........Weight unfortunately begins to accumulate around the waist, hips and back of arms...EXERCISE!!
Speak to your Health Care Advisor about certain tests...Pap Test, Clinical Breast Exam.

MEN........Stamina peaks in the early 30's for most and declines in the next five years as the body's ability to extract oxygen diminishes. Ask your Doctor about a clinical testicular exam.

MEN/WOMEN........Adopt screenings for cholesterol, blood pressure and skincare. Ask for the recommended immunizations.

You had fun in your 20's, now it's time to create some new health habits. Since time is rather limited, find ways to incorporate an effective exercise and eating regime into your life.

Our programs fully understand the demands of today's busy lifestyle. We show you how to cook a tasty and nutritious meal under 400 calories and in less than 25 minutes.

Our exercise programs are practical, effective and fun. They can be performed at home in the gym or while traveling.

Pick from the "Menu of Options" below and choose the membership that matches your lifestyle and personal requirements.

Assumption of Risk

Exercise Program/Information and Nutritional Advice may not be suitable for everyone.
The information contained within is provided solely for educational and informational purposes. It is NOT intended as medical advice.

If you answer YES to 2 or more of the following we advise that you consult your Health Care Provider before starting any program.
Are you a man 45+, a woman 55+, pregnant, a smoker,have hypertension, symptoms/medication for heart disease, diabetes,suffer chest discomfort, fainting or dizziness with exertion or any other medical concerns you feel may affect your health or the safety of exercise.

Nothing within is designed to treat, heal, cure or diagnose any illness, condition or health issue.

If necessary always consult your Health Care Adviser before beginning any Nutrition or Exercise Program.

Each Plan/Program is to be used solely at the discretion of the paid individual/member.